Amélie Dobler, musical singer
I took lessons with Brigitte Annoff because she's one of the best musical singing teachers in Switzerland.

She has led me through my first steps in the musical world and has given me the solid basics I needed to become a professional. She taught me discipline and how I need to work hard to improve my voice. The singing technique she’s brought me, has permitted me to widen the range of my voice in a healthy way and soften the « passage » of my voice. 

During 5 years I’ve learned a lot of musical hit songs that someone in the business should know, we’ve built my personal musical repertoire and finally she prepared me to get on stage. Since 2 years I'm on stage with first roles of professional productions in Germany. 

Anyone who'd like to learn musical singing in a professional and serious way should certainly take lessons with her!
I'm glad I did!

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